Mission Priorities

The Alabama-Northwest Florida Region will continue its commitment to carrying out its two-fold purpose as stated for all Regions in the Design for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ):

  1. to extend the ministry of Christ in mission, teaching, witness and service among the people and social structures of the region; and

  2. to establish, receive and nurture congregations in the region, providing help, counsel and pastoral care to members, ministers and congregations in their mutual relationships, and relating them to the worldwide mission and witness of the whole church

The Region believes its congregations are seeking partnership with the Region to achieve the following goals:

  • a renewed spiritual identity and practice

  • a renewed and equipped Christian leadership and discipleship

  • a renewed commitment to mission in local communities and around the world

During the decade beginning in 2010, the Alabama-Northwest Florida Region will demonstrate its commitment to partnering with congregations seeking to achieve a renewed spiritual identity and practice by:

  • facilitating spiritual growth opportunities through retreats, small groups, and workshops

  • promoting ministries that encourage faith development in children and youth

  • promoting true community

  • providing information on resources for spiritual growth and development

  • providing training in Disciples history, polity, and witness

During the decade beginning in 2010, the Alabama-Northwest Florida Region will demonstrate its commitment to partnering with congregations seeking to achieve a renewed and equipped Christian leadership and discipleship by:

  • providing training and support for ministers

  • evaluating the PEPP ministry, making changes as needed, in order to equip clergy and laity for leadership in the church

  • providing a camp/conference ministry

  • providing ministries to and with young adults

  • providing training opportunities for elders and deacons

  • providing boundary training for congregations

  • enlisting and training mentors for persons in Ministry Care and other persons in ministry as deemed appropriate by the Committee on the Ministry

  • providing support for congregations engaged in search and call

  • providing training, as requested, for leadership roles/responsibilities in congregations

  • nurturing the spiritual formation and leadership skills of youth, young adults, men, women and seniors through retreats and training events

  • facilitating networking between congregations to support them in their ministries

During the decade beginning in 2010, the Alabama-Northwest Florida Region will demonstrate its commitment to partnering with congregations seeking to achieve a renewed commitment to mission in local communities and around the world by:

  • providing training in evangelism

  • sponsoring Miracle Days as needed

  • facilitating mission partnerships both locally and globally

  • providing encouragement and assistance to congregations to live out an identity as Global Mission Congregations

  • supporting efforts to establish new congregations

  • providing resources for engaging in justice and reconciliation ministries

As part of its work in these areas of priority, the Region commits also to:

  • establishing and encouraging partnerships wherever possible to work toward common goals

  • continuing its historic witness to Christian unity

  • giving witness to its anti-racist/pro-reconciliation identity in all of its structural and missional life

  • making use of available technology to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of its ministries, keeping in mind its commitment to faithful stewardship of the church’s resources